Radiant City: Sprawl is eating the planet and the kids are getting restless. Welcome to the neighborhood!

A must see for anyone interested in the form of the cities we call home… minicine?will screen the new documentary Radiant City by the Canadian duo, Gary Burnsand Jim Brown, at the Columbia Cafe, Monday May 5. Doors open at 7PM. A $5 donation is requested and will go to benefit the newly formed Shreveport Historic Preservation Society.
Something’s happening on the edge of town. There’s a desperate housewife in the parking lot, a musical chorus line mowing the lawn – and a loaded gun in the upstairs closet. Politicians call it growth. Developers call it business. The Moss family call it home.
Turning the documentary genre inside out, Gary Burns and Jim Brown rummage through a toybox of cultural references – from Jane Jacobs to The Sopranos – to consider what happens when cities get sick and mutate. Cinematographer, Patrick McLauglin evokes an eerie dystopian monoculture while the soundtrack features songs from Joey Santiago of The Pixies.
Columbia Cafe
Creswell @ Kings
Doors @ 7PM, Film Rolls @ 8PM
$5 Donation for SHPS