X-Mas Under the Ground: Call for Artists

Call for Submittals:
Submit a short film for minicine?‘s biennial, local, film and “DVD” showcase… X-Mas Under the Ground…
To be held Saturday, December 13th… All submittals must be under 5 minutes and delivered, mailed, or somehow to us by absolutely no later than the Submittal DEADLINE: Monday December 1st…
This will leave approximately a lucky 13 days to review, curate and publicize the program…… and we want to include your work… If you have special format needs… 8mm, 9.5, 16, 35, VHS, Digital? Praxinoscope? let us know, we might surprise you….
Music, art and other info to follow soon… For immediate questions please contact: minicine (at) swampland (dot) org