
photo credit: Robert Trudeau
The ExtravaGonzo is a multimedia, hold-on-to-your-skivvies, turn-on, tune-in, drop-out, all out cluster-whatchamacallit–an interactive sensory experience–music, art, film, dance,poetry, gibberish, and what-nots.
A happening!
This event is free and open to the public. Please bring a dish/tasty beverages to help contribute to the potluck. No money. Just edibles.
Music from:
Don’t Forget Your Dinosaur
The Electric Dollhouse Groove Buggy
Jyrus Lips
A.J. Haynes
The Shreveport Drum Circle
Artists include:
Dean Roane
Conchita Iglesias McElwee
Ben Moss
Tommy Johnson
Justin Clark
Ryan Whitmore
Mallori Brandon
John Walsh
Josh Coker
Matt Beckam
Chris Alexander
J Marks
Jamie Kellog
and more. a lot more.
Film by:
Robert Trudeau
John Garcie
Julie Fisher
1. Take LINE AVE –it becomes COMMON ST/LA-3036.
2.Turn SHARP LEFT onto US-80 W/TEXAS AVE/US-79 W.
Parking is wherever you can fit. The warehouse will be to your right!
FRIDAY Sept. 24
minicine? swampland
846 Texas Avenue
8pm / FREE!
Make Movies Now!