Scavengers, Collectors, Unconventional Documenteurs

Simultaneous to “Live at Minicine” featuring, The News Can Wait, As We March Toward the Sea, Massivus.. and premiering The American Wilderness… minicine will array, in search and discover fashion, a collection of environmental installations and sound experiments…. Featuring Something Digital, S::M::H::S, Tho Tway, and Unisex Starship…
SOMETHING DIGITAL – A looping photo exhibit including photos from Elliot Schnepp, David Young, Julie Tully, Dana Shirley, Chris Alexander, Stan Carpenter, Matt Beckham and more…
SOUND::MEDICINE::HOUSE::Shreveport – Installed under the open sky within roofless walls along Texas Avenue, sounds and sights from our place; ‘poat city, rachet city, river city will be interspersed and crashed-up together, cozied, taped, glued and stitched to one another. A small campfire, a box, a makeshift shelter – clam shell, bird nest, tornado swirl, sound, children laughing…
THO TWAY – From trash to treasure this child brings new light to what others discard. After being raised part-time in a trash dump of the slums of Mississippi, Tho Tway has taken the aspect of re-used materials and turned them into a mash of mutated dream sequences while leaving his childish visions intact. Most of his works are that of ideas taken from wandering in major cities full of apathy and despair then injecting his own form of chaos.
UNISEX STARSHIP – From Philadelphia, PA, Unisex Bicycle and Refluxman combine in an electronic, found sound, image laced psychedelic fusion experiment….