Shreveport Urban Film Festival 2019

Shreveport Urban Film Festival YEAR 2 is here! We’re happy to roll out amazing talent with 10 short films from filmmakers around the country. This year’s theme is “Young, Gifted & Black”. We're showcasing the very best of emerging filmmakers. 10 short films. A ton of entertainment!
NOTE: Some films may not be suitable for children.
Run time: 2:12:58 (Includes Intermission)
July 26th @ Robinson Film Center
July 27th @ Minicine?
*Showtime - written and directed by Shawn Antoine II
*Minstrel vs Puppet - written by Hannah Bonecutter, directed by Marcus Aubin
*Sirens - written and directed by Jo Rochelle
*Pearl Motel - written and directed by Chris Jones
*Louisiana 1961 - written and directed by Bobby Huntley
*Light in Dark Places - written and directed by Lagueria Davis
*Snow Mountain - written and directed by Ed Ntiri
*Jealous - written and directed by Claytia Gonsalves
*Boxed - written and directed by Wanjiru Nijendu
*Stuck - written directed by Praheme Praphet