CinemaTexas: High Above the Wall

minicine? presents CinemaTexas Roadshow: High Above This Wall. Executive Director of CinemaTexas, Ralph McKay, will be present to screen and discuss the six international short films in this program. To enter the CinemaTexas Ninth International Short Film Fest (Deadline: May 21st, Late Deadline: June 4th) go to:
High Above This Wall – “They call Texas the Lone Star state. And lately some Texans have in fact been acting like lone stars at the center of the universe: behaving as if their law is mightiest, existing apart from any other galaxy. But Cinematexas doesn’t accept this cosmology. We’ve seen some astonishing work these last few years — work from all countries, in all genres — work that reflects the inner and outer landscapes of battle, the social and emotional architectures of war. We want to share this work with our worldwide community — artists, filmmakers, curators, outsiders — because we know that stars are not singular, that it is always the conversation that matters most.”
Rose Remontant – And in the gallery, Interventions on Texas Avenue, from an advanced design studio at the University of Texas, Austin, presents seven bold proposals for an abandoned building in downtown Shreveport at the Texas Trailhead. A semester long undertaking, this exhibit explores urban and programming initiatives and proposes very intriguing and unique possibilities for the neglected and under-realized Texas Avenue Corridor. Co-Sponsored by Shreveport’s Downtown Development Authority and, and Austin’s, University of Texas Professor, Pankaj Gupta.
Ghost to Falco, from Portland, OR, will be playing electric guitar w/ loops+singing words+playing analog synthesizer+using all kinds of samples and voices+various other things to make noisy/loud/sparse/quiet/dense/sad/sci-fi/layered/epic/pretty music(songs).
minicine? / Saturday MAY 22 / Shreveport, LA / 8PM / FREE