HAWN, Glove, Flesh Narc, Golden Oriole

Saturday April 14 @ 7pm, minicine? hosts four touring bands for a blowout mashup of performances. Bands include: HAWN (New Orleans), Glove (Tampa), Flesh Narc (Denton, TX) and Golden Oriole (Stavanger, Norway).
On the Walls: “Goof, Goofed, Goofy”; New Works by Graham Mears.
Suggested Donation $5. BYO?
HAWN (New Orleans): https://hawn.bandcamp.com/
Glove (Tampa): https://glove.bandcamp.com/
Flesh Narc (Denton): https://fleshnarc.bandcamp.com/
Golden Oriole (Stavanger, Norway) https://soundcloud.com/thegoldenoriole