Druminyasa Flow w/Monica Carlson at Minicine?

Feel the rhythms of the drums as you connect breath, heartbeat, mind & body to a vinyasa flow led by Monica Carlson to the beats by percussionist Brad Ellsworth of Druminyasa (Wanderlust, Asheville Yoga Festival). Melt into the end of your practice with a percussion sound bath to ultimately relax your body and enlighten your mind. The industrial space of Minicine which hosts performance art, dance and live music, as well as experimental and independent film and video, will provide a unique setting for your practice.
$25 (reserve in advance via Eventbrite link to secure a space)
About Druminyasa:
As featured by The Washington Times, CBS, and Washington’s WTOP news, Brad Ellsworth of Druminyasa® has been playing drums and percussion for over 25 years. Brad is a yoga teacher and founded Druminyasa by connecting his love for rhythm, drums and movement.
“You feel the rhythm in your bones. The drum beat starts to match the rhythm of your heartbeat, starts to match to the rhythm of your breath until all of a sudden you are just in this energy of oneness, connected with the drums, connected with the other people, connected with the deepest part of yourself." - Becky "Tara" Eschenroeder (Great Abiding Yoga)
"Everyone moves together, building a collective energy that is very strong and powerful, felt deep within the heart and quieting the mind, helping sync movement with breath and having their energy, energy of those around them and energy of the drumming move them through their meditative practice." - Nicole Boyle (Studio owner, In Balance Yoga)
Check out more from Druminyasa at www.druminyasa.net