Birgit Ulher / Ghost Foot / Junfalls

BIRGIT ULHER, Hamburg, Germany, is a sound and visual artist whose focus is improvisation and experimental music. Ms. Ulher will be presenting a solo performance of works from her most recent release, MATTER MATTERS, utilizing trumpet, radio, speakers and found objects.
GHOST FOOT, based out of Shreveport, LA, is Jacob Disedare and Dacoda Montana. This Rawk n Roll/grunge band’s most recent release is BLOOD CHURCH.
JUNFALLS, from Tulsa, OK, is Jessica Sanchez, Ricardo Sanchez, James Reza, and Rumian Rashid Reza. The most recent release from this experimental post-hardcore/punk/shoegaze band is THE VEIL IS TORN.
Vegan Hors d’oeuvres by GOGREENLY. Suggested Donation $5.