Milkcrate Microcinema + Suitcase of Drone

AURA Workshop + AMULETS! ~ minicine? host an evening of drawings, photos, video and sound from Shlomit Strutti (Tel Aviv), Bill Daniel (Houston), Jon Mackey (SHV) , Dacoda Montana (SHV) and AMULETS (Austin). Edibles by GoGreenly. Saturday August 20th, 8pm, 846 Texas Avenue, Shreveport, LA 71101. Door Donation for Touring Artists $5.
Houston based photographer, Bill Daniel and, Tel Aviv artist, Shlomit Strutti present AURA Workshop. This exhibition will include new drawings, monoprints and photographs by Strutti, with Daniel adding a mix of found ephemera, portraits and printing experiments. Daniel will also draw from his MILKCRATE MICROCINEMA media archive a selection of short videos from the analog era in San Francisco corresponding between SF’s punk days and the dot com boom, a time during which Daniel was an active participant at Artists’ Television Access. Daniel will screen excerpts from a curated program that spans a range of forms from agit prop, pranks, activist documentation, video art and street journalism…
Shreveport based Jon Mackey and Dacoda Montana collaborate with sound and video.
AMULETS is the solo project of Austin-based audio + visual artist Randall Taylor. Amulets employs handmade cassette tape loops and live processed guitar loops to create live, lush soundscapes and immersive drones. Through the recontextualisation of cassettes, sampling, field recording, and looping, these long-form compositions blur the genres of ambient, drone, noise, and electronic music. Taylor lovingly calls this project THE SUITCASE OF DRONE.
AURA Workshop