xmas under da ground

xmas under da ground is BACK! Every two years, minicine? celebrates local film, music and art in an open all-inclusive holiday blow out exhibition! This year the response has been through the roof (look out Santa) and the event will expand into two buildings! In addition to the fact over 30 filmmakers responded to the call for short films, there will be over 30 visual artists exhibiting in the gallery, and up to nine live music performances. Catering will be provided by GoGreenly , Lagniappe Foods, and minicine? pot-luck!
A search and discover Cash Bar will be available… This event is, without doubt, one of the best opportunities to experience a diverse sampling of Shreveport creative talent in one place! …and it’s FREE!
Will you need any money???
Cash Bar / Art for Sale by Artists / Band Merch & More!
Full Schedule Below, but here some details
Reel One… (In order of appearance) Run Time… 54min 32sec.
Marion Marks, Alan Dyson & Debbie Engle, Raydra Hall & David Hylan, Rob Peterson, Chris Alexander, Kathryn Usher, East 20 Productions, Jason Pliler, Michael Neal Phillips, Savage Chuck Loridans, Krista McKinney, Bilal, Ian Quiet, Jacob Disedare
Reel Two… (In order of appearance) Run Time… 41min. 25sec.
Michael Futreal, Thomas Little, Austin Meyers, Cazes Verbois, Chris Armand & Noah Scruggs, Robert Trudeau, Sara Hebert & Chris Jay, Calvin O’Neil Jr., Christopher Alan Weaver, Louisiana Jones, Chris Armand & Noah Scruggs, Dacoda Montana, Mindy Bledsoe
Film Gallery… Tho Tway, EL, Cathy Nance, Bryan Konefsky, Dorothy Kristin Hanna
Visual Artists:
John Bentrup, Micah Harold, Ali Bahler, Robert Trudeau, Randall Ross, Raven Jones, Laura Robbins, Taffie Cragon Garsee, Ben Moss, Lynn Laird, Jeormie, Taryn Self, Jeremy Johnson, Nadine Charity, Alex Hester, Stavely Kuzmanov, Mindy Bledsoe, Robert Rodgers, Kevin Deloach, Conchita Iglesias McElwee, Elizabeth Holladay Jackson, Amy Treme, Nathan Treme, Raydra Hall, Pamela Raintree, Thomas Little, Peter Fetterman & more…….
Musicians & Bands:
Twang Darkly, Street Rats String Band, Gout Break, Chrissy Wise, Brittney Maddox, The Shape of Sounds, Blood Punch, Ian Quiet, Bears and Wolves…
Relative Distribution of Activities Across Parallel Universes…
Twang Darkly…
Gout Break
Street Rats String Band
846 & 852 ~ Films Reel One…
Chrissy Wise
Brittney Maddox
The Shape of Sounds
846 852 ~ Films Reel Two…
Blood Punch
Ian Quiet
Bears & Wolves
NOTE: Cash Bar 852 Only!
This event is sponsored in part by a mini-grant from the Shreveport Downtown Development Authority. minicine? is supported by a grant from the Louisiana State Arts Council through the Louisiana Division of the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts and by donations from our participants and audience. Thank You!
Sat. December 8 / 846 & 852 Texas Avenue / 7pm / Free!