Sarah Ruth + Damon Smith / Andrew Miller / Monte Espina

minicine? hosts three special performances from Dallas, TX to Shreveport! 846 Texas Avenue, 8pm, $10 Suggested Donation. Vegan hors d'oeuvres by Libby Smith.
Sarah Ruth + Damon Smith: Sarah Ruth is a diverse musician and artist – a multi-instrumentalist, she employs hammered dulcimer, harmonium, electroacoustic sound art, and extended vocal techniques. She performs frequently both solo and with multiple bands and improvisational ensembles in the North Texas area.
Damon Smith studied double bass with Lisle Ellis and has had lessons with Bertram Turezky, Joëlle Leandré, John Lindberg, Mark Dresser and others. Damon’s explorations into the sonic palette of the double bass have resulted in a personal, flexible improvisational language based in the American jazz avant-garde movement and European non-idiomatic free improvisation.
Andrew Miller Graphic Ensemble: A composer and keyboard player, Miller performed for years with Anteroom Duo. He has also performed with Jandek. Miller recently has been working with graphic scores for small ensembles and often projects the scores during the performances. He is the one behind the music platform, Industrial Improvement Project.
Monte Espina: An electroacoustic free improvisation duo consisting of Ernesto Montiel and Miguel Espinel, Monte Espina focuses on the use of amplified sounds and signal processing to create evolving soundscapes and musical forms. Montiel and Espinel, both Venezuelan-born, met in early 2016 while attending experimental music shows around the Dallas-Denton axis.
On the Walls: Artwork by Sprig & Vine (Heather Peacock), Aaron Culpepper and Chris Brown!