Projet Mobilivre – BookMobile Project

And in mid to late APRIL… like around the 21st…
The Projet Mobilivre – BookMobile Project is coming to Shreveport. This is a touring exhibition of artist books, zines, and independent publications. Their mission is to improve exposure for self-made bookworks, and to encourage artistic production through bookbinding workshops and informal dialogue. The BookMobile travels across the US and Canada in a vintage Airstream trailer, visiting a variety of communities. They seek to strengthen pre-existing networks and inspire new connections between artists, writers, and those concerned with the survival of independent media.
On the Walls: Paintings by Shannon Palmer
For your Ears: Music by Chris Alexander & Friends
minicine? / Monday APRIL 21 / 824 Texas Avenue / 7PM – Midnight / FREE
The Bookmobile will be at the Columbia Cafe Noon til 7PM… Tuesday APRIL 22
To learn more about Projet Mobilivre – Bookmobile Project: