Craig Baldwin: Mock Up On Mu

The Robinson Film Center and minicine? co-host experimental filmmaker, found footage pioneer and maestro of San Francisco’s Other Cinema, Craig Baldwin, to screen and discuss his latest experimental work, MOCK UP ON MU, live, in color and with sound!!!
“A radical hybrid of spy, sci-fi, Western, and even horror genres, Craig Baldwin’s Mock Up On Mu, cobbles together a feature-length “collage-narrative” based on (mostly) true stories of California’s post-War sub-cultures of rocket pioneers, alternative religions, and Beat lifestyles. Pulp-serial snippets, industrial-film imagery, and B- (and Z-) fiction clips are intercut with newly shot live-action material, powering a playful, allegorical trajectory through the now-mythic occult matrix of Jack Parsons (Crowleyite founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab), L.Ron Hubbard (sci-fi author turned cult-leader), and Marjorie Cameron (bohemian artist and “mother of the New Age movement”). Their intertwined tales spin out into a speculative farce on the militarization of space, and the corporate take-over of spiritual fulfillment and leisure-time.“
In addition, during the afternoon proceeding this screening, Mr. Baldwin will be at the Robinson Film Center to make a FREE presentation which will focus on copyright law, culture jamming, mash-ups and the Other Cinema Catalog (Upstairs in the RFC multi-use room @ 2pm)…
And if this isn’t all enough, following the evening screening Mr. Baldwin will join minicine? (with 16mm reels in hand no less) for a blowout art exhibition with New York artist, Vanessa Boyd at the minicine? cave on Texas Avenue (See post below for more info)…
Robinson Film Center
617 Texas Street
7:30PM / $5