BomB BlisS

minicine? host Oregon Department of Kick Ass filmmaker, Vanessa Renwick back to Shreveport… to screen a collection of films that will alternately rollercoaster you thru heaven and hellride. The program will include Vanessa’s Britton, South Dakota 2005 Gus Van Sant Award Best Experimental Film, Ann Arbor Film Festival, as well as films by Bill Daniel, Gretchen Hlldebran, Miranda July, Matt McCormick, Nestor a.k.a. Dwayne Hedstrom, and Travis Wilkerson… On the walls, Folksonomy, artwork by Allison Dickson and News From Nowhere, things by Bill Daniel…. Vanessa will also be running her continuous video loop, Grain….
Saturday MARCH 26 / minicine? / 824 Texas Avenue / 9PM / Free